We’re confident in our products, but we understand they might not be the perfect fit for everyone. That’s why we offer a full refund within 30 days of your purchase.

Our friendly support team might be able to troubleshoot any issues you’re experiencing and allow you to accomplish your goal with our plugin. We encourage you to reach out to us first on our Support form.

Here’s a quick rundown of refunds:

  1. We process them as quickly as possible, but sometimes we might ask if we can help resolve the issue first.
  2. Refunds are only available within 30 days of purchase.
  3. We reserve the right to deny refund requests in rare cases.
  4. Exchange rate fluctuations aren’t covered by refunds, we refund the purchased amount in USD.
  5. Renewals aren’t refundable, but you’ll be notified one month in advance so you can cancel if needed.

If you still require a refund after trying support, just send a request to support@crosspeaksoftware.com and we’ll be happy to assist you.